Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Time to be Sentimental

i've been listening to oldies' music lately, because my dad wanted me(or us) to compile his favorite songs in CDs. I've been listening to them, and i realized that i'm not much different with my dad, it's just that of course i like today's music too. but nevertheless i like oldies too. right now, i'm listening to "I can't stop locing you" by Ray Charles. A while ago i was listening to Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World"... It just takes the sentimental side out of me. It sort of makes me inspired, to go chase my dreams. Well, I really hope one day I can fulfill them. I mean, who doesn't want to? Right now, I feel really empty inside. I'm not quite sure yet what the reason is, but I think I almost know what it is/they are.

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